Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hope that DAD can read this...(part 2)...

Mon...time 1.11pm...very hot day...
~~Now i can describe "my dad" as a "GOOD SON"..."GOOD BROTHER"..."GOOD BOSS"..."GOOD FRIEND"...NOT A GOOD AND USELESS HUSBAND" and "A USELESS FATHER"...
~~Heart broken ah...mum even worst lo...why can't my father do is own decision...why can't he make his own choice...why...why...why...(scream out my head)...(ah........)...haiz...
~~is he stupid??? he too obedient???...if one day,people take him for granted...what will he react???...
~~these are the question i can't answer...WHY???...WHY???...WHY??? weird...he just can change his mind by just one phone call...why he does not have the stand on his own???...the whole Saturday he work the whole day...he not at home...then at first he say want to go to hospital to see grandpa then come back de...BUT...just a phone call...he just change his mind...WHY???...why i write this as part 2???...because most of the thing about it i had wrote in the previous page...HAIZ...TIRED...why can't he be like the 2 pek pek le???...WHY???...

Chinese Holiday Trip...2010...Xi An...

Mon...time 12.50pm...very hot day...
Hi me...felt that long time didn't write anything for i think at least a month...Well...during the 1 week of the Chinese New Year holiday...i went to Xi An...with the company supplier...this time total peoples are 30 many...the bus was full la...But we all have fun...from Penang...we arrival to Guang Zhou (广州)...from guang zhou...then we fly to zheng zhou (郑州) guang zhou...we met up with those who fly from KL...we went to lots of places and also see lots of historical stuff like the Tarra Kotta (秦朝兵马俑)...wah...the place was very big...just as big as the football field...we went there at the 6th day...Xi An (西安)...we also got went to luo yang (洛阳) to see the famous tang shan cai (唐三彩) was very beautiful...i got a six smell horses to put in my new home room...and got also a big put in the living room...besides that...we also got went to shao lin shi (少林寺)...we saw the shao ling gong fu (少林功夫)...they were good...not only that...we also got went to the famous judge po's judging place (包青天)...we even got picture with him...but the person's face is not enough black...This trip was fun and cool and interesting and knowledgeable...