Wednesday, May 5, 2010


5th of
hihi...just come back at around is food production 2 our group prepared Indian food by one of my group mates because he is indian...the food is good...especially the la...the briyani rice is ok...i like this rice because got 1 time i had eaten a perfect briyani rice...that was the best la...still can imagine the taste...yummy...inside the rice got put lamb meat...i think...the taste like heaven...PERFECT...when i'm at palazzo during the chinese new year 2010...there a person's engagement that was having at the ground floor...the owner (i think is 2nd floor owner)...they hell a buffet and had invited my grandpa and all of our family members...that was when i had the briyani rice...stop talking about the rice already...lets i was saying...indian cuisine...and i'm in charge of dessert...who know...below the pot was burnt...haiz...lucky no one blame me...once i said is my fault...they will said is all's fault...lucky...overall is good...the other group prepared chinese cuisine...they had fried wanton...gong pou chicken...honeydew sago for dessert...that all i was yummy too although i didn't get to try them...the small is good la...luckily i can manage to finish my assignment...happy la...get to relax liao...if not big pressure on me...result is at night cannot sleep well...then the next day always fell very tired...this was about today's a lot...laugh a lot...enjoy talking and laughing with group was fun and cool...yeh...about yesterday...i write already but cannot rewrite again today...let me the usual...wake up 7.30am...bathe...grooming...8.10am go college...8.25am reach college and at parking spot...then fall asleep in leh...first time...then i woke up by a noise from the other about 9am go canteen have breakfast...then 9.30am go library to do my assignment....about 11.35am go canteen again to have lunch...12.05pm go to CAD 1 (culinary arts and design 1)...learn about carving....fruit carving...this subject got 3 topics...1 is fruit carving...2 is sterafone...3 is butter scapture...paiseh...spelling error...fruit carving is over and exam also over...quite statistic with my a flower...but in presentation my loss lots of marks...before of a person...khaw hooi ling...hate her la...chef ask to carve a flower...but she carve shapes...what the hell...shit la...loss mark because of this stupid person...don't know why she come to study chef training...she is wasting her time and her parents her problem la...then now do sterafone...5 in a members consists of me, rebecca, say voon, irus and shu members...hope can get along well la...irus had planned to do coral with sea animal and a gelatine in color to do a sea...but rebecca's idea is that she is had a idea in her mind...that is she wanted to do building...the new shanghai expo...but irus had no choice to choose his idea lo...then our class finish at about 1.45pm...then first go to library to discuss...then agree...irus go find chef and told him the idea and he said at about 2.15pm everything complete...irus when home...rebecca go ilab...shu mei was absent...say voon also i think go back hostel...whereas me stay at library to complete my about 2.35pm i go ilab to meet rebecca...and she told me about doing a building...then she call irus to tell him her opinion...but irus keep on saying wants to do not choice again...had to follow his idea about 2.55pm go canteen to eat again...then sit at canteen...soon may and lilian we talk and play...having fun...then meet a new junior...i think they call him brian...he is very tall...continue to talk until about 5pm...we go to class...they having garde manger and i'm having bakery danish pastry...then next week will do favorite...can't wait till next week...danish also quite fun...then finish at 10.45pm...ah...late liao...when i see my phone (is actually at about 10.30pm)...there is a miss call from liao...i quickly call back...said i'm still at college...then mum answered huh???...still at college...then i explain to her that today to danish...have to wait when kneading and also baking...because there is only three oven...each can only put have to take turns because my group is big group...about 25 reach palazzo late...about 11pm...koko ask me why late...i just hehe...actually class finish at 11pm...haiz...tired...hope the timetable will change soon...cannot continue let this...because the kitchen is almost ready...the equipment is slowing moving in the new kitchen...have to wait till time change lo...then like usual...on facebook first...see got what news...then do assignment...until about 12.35am...i'm very very very i decide to sleep and wake up early to continue doing my the next morning wake up 8.15am...take a bathe...then do assignment...suddenly felt very headache...then lie on the bed for a while...then continue...keep on doing for about 3 times...finally assignment done...complete...the print...12pm sharp prepare to college...12.10pm go do binding...12.30pm reach college...have lunch first...then sit at about 2pm go to class...pass up assignment...the 2.50pm finish class...3.30pm go meet at production kitchen...then start cooking that all for today and yesterday...write is 12.20am...sleeping time!!!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


3rd May........Mon........Hot day........10pm.............. quiet nothing important to write use...wake up 7.30pm...grooming...8.10am off to college...8.30am have breakfast...9.00am lab class KMD...11.00am eat lunch...then talking...talking...talking...then 12pm PDP class...lecturer,ms wong teaches us the grooming and the proper way to sit...stand...walk...n more for future...that is for jib interview...haha...then about 2pm class ended...go back and the love guru again...then about 4.00pm go out to hostel to bring pei chiew...the off to first we have plan to watch iron man 2...but when we went to buy ticket...the queue is very very end up no watch lo...then i saw my class group A classmate comes out...i think they go and watch IP man...then they saw me and wave to me...i'm so surprise seldom one ask me then now only come and watch ah???...then i say yes...even pei chiew also say my class mates are friendly...n i say is after come back from singapore....everything changes...i felt weird...don't know why...but i appreciate it anyway coz i think only left only about 1 year then all will be gone...some may continue study...some may start about 8pm i come back lo...then continue to finish my assignment that is going to pass up on only piah...geng o me...that all...have to continue my work...will write is 10.25pm...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


2nd of MAY.....Sunday.....10.15pm.......Windy...................
Haiz...tired la...assignment...homework....questions....very very tired la...and I first time come across this type of person...she ask me for homework...then she wrote a sms about let this..."Dianne,pls help me coz i didn't pay attention in class,so can you send yours when you're done?"...i reply..."i not do every of the homework yet,include assignment"...she reply..."just send me when you're done"...when i read this reply...i'm so angry and pissed off...where got people write let is asking me for my work...she thought that i must send to her ah???...wait i purposely don't want to do my work in the last minute...haha...i hate that la...SHIT...who she think she is???...what for i must be a good person??? a word thank you also...if i know early...i won't waste my time to write that stupid notes for her...use up my 2 hours la...i still purposely go online to find information to help her...FUCK...actually is your problem...not mine...what i must be busybody??? stupid go and help and end up get nothing...a thank you also so hard to say meh???...SHIT...i'm so pissed off now...don't think about that liao la...that is about yesterday...i think...if i'm not mistaken...about today...erm...let see...i think nothing special happen today la...morning wake up 10am something...then go eat...about 12pm go penang...found out the time still early...then go PISA...see camera and bridal fair...then about 2pm go airport go bring my dad...about at 3pm...go eat kayu restaurant...then come back...bathe...go grandpa house at about 6pm...6.30pm go out dinner with grandpa...the come at 7.45pm...then talk with my mum, my god mum and aunt siew about 8.30pm come penang...reach at about 9.30pm...pack and on my MAC...the first thing is facebook...haha...then on blog to start realized pdp hoemwork not yet do...hehe...have to stop homework first...write the 4th tomorrow...hope got time is 10.40pm...