Saturday, March 10, 2012

Creme Brûlée

Friday, 9/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Creme Brûlée, also known as burnt cream, is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a contrasting later of hard caramel. It is normally served cold. The Custard base is traditionally flavored with vanilla, but us also sometimes flavored with lemon or orange zest, chocolate, coffee, pistachio or fruits. 

Creme Brûlée is usually served in individual ramekins. The caramel may be prepared separately and put on top just before serving or the caramel may be formed directly on top of the custard, immediately before serving. Sprinkle sugar onto the custard, then caramelized under a torch or salamander. 

(A) Egg Yolk - 6 no, Sugar - 120g
(B) Vanilla bean - 1, Cream - 357g

Heat (B) until almost boil.
Whisk (A).
Add (B) to (A) slowly, mix to a smooth custard.
Fill 3/4 full and place in a pan. Cover with foil.
Fill the pan with hot water.
Bake at 150 for 40 minutes or the custard is set.
Cool them in the fridge.
Sprinkle some sugar and caramelize with a touch.
- Picture above -
Over-baked brûlée.
The perfect brûlée should be smooth inside.

Creme Caramel

Friday, 9/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Creme Caramel,
or caramel custard is a custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top, as opposed to creme brûlée, which is custard with a hard caramel on top. This dessert is eaten throughout the world. 

Creme Caramel is a variant of plain custard where sugar syrup is cooked to caramel stage and is then poured into the mould before adding the custard base.

Creme Caramel is usually cooked in a bain-marie on a stove top to in the oven in a water bath. It is turned and served with caramel sauce on top.

(A) Sugar - 200g, Water - 100g
(B) Milk - 500g, Vanilla Essence - 5g
(C) Eggs - 4 no, Sugar - 60g
(D) Water - 90g (hot boil water)

Boil (A) and cook to a golden caramel. Then add in (D). Pour them in a mould and set in the fridge.

Heat (B) to 80 degree.
Mix (C).
Pour (B) to (C) slowly while whisking continuously.
Sieve the custard.
Pour the custard to the mould.
Place the mould in a tray filled with hot water bath.
Bake at 165 until the custard is set, about 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and allow to cool at least 1 hour in the fridge.

To remove creme caramel, slide a knife around the top and the edge of the mould and shake carefully to loosen the bottom. 
Turn it out on the plate with the caramel sauce.
Serve with sugar or tulle garnishes.


Thursday, 8/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

Brownies, also known as chocolate brownies, is a flat, baked square or bar introduced in the US at the end of nineteenth century and is popular in both US and Canada during the first of the twentieth century. 

Brownies are usually very dense and heavy, glazed with a rich chocolate fudge or ganache. 

Brownies is like a cross between a cake and a cookie texture. 

The addition of baking powder and the whisking of eggs can make the brownies more cake like and nice to eat. 

Brownies are excellent for desserts, petit fours and can be varied, by changing the nuts or chocolate. 

(A) Butter - 290g, Dark couverture - 240g
(B) Eggs - 350g, Sugar - 520g, Salt - a pinch, Vanilla Essence - 5g
(C) Flour - 240g, Walnuts (toasted and chopped coarsely) - 240g
(D) Baking Powder, optional - 10g

  • Melt (A) and leave to cool. 
  • Mix (B) and combine with (A) after (A) is cool down. 
  • Mix in the flour, then the nuts.
  • Pour to a silicon sheeted trays
  • Bake at 190 for 30 minutes or until it is cooked.
  • Remove and leave to cool.
  • Glaze with ganache after it has cool down.

Chocolate Mud Cake

Thursday, 8/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

Before Bake
Mud Cake, is a rich chocolate cake which has a very soft, mud like in the centre. 
This texture is a achieve by adding lots of liquid to the cake mixture. 
This results an unbalanced cake formula, therefore structure is too weak to raise the cake. 
It has a excellent eating qualities and are commonly used for wedding cakes. 

After Bake
Ingredients include:
(A) Eggs - 141g, Sugar - 470g, Vegetable oil - 188g
(B) Cocoa Powder - 94g, Biscuit Flour - 283g, Baking Soda - 15g (sift)
(C) Milk - 318g, Sour Cream - 313g

Whisk (A) until pale, add (B) and (C) alternately to (A). 
Pour in moulds. 
(This recipe can produce 2 mould like the picture shown)
Bake at 175 for 40 minutes.

Chocolate Ganache
Ingredients include:
(A) Milk - 100g, Cream - 400g
(B) Nougat - 100g, Dark Couverture - 650g

Boil (A) and pour to (B) slowly.
Stir well.


Braise and Stew

Tuesday, 6/3/2012
(Unit Kitchen)

Today for this class, I have done Osso Bucco, Lamb Roganjosh, Rice Pilaf and Ratatouille.

-- picture on the left --
 *Osso Bucco with Rice Pilaf*

Osso Bucco, is a Italian word for 'bone with a hole', a reference to the marrow hole at the center of the cross-cut veal shank. This is a Milanese specialty of cross-cut veal shanks braised with mire poix, red wine and stock. There are 2 types, a modern version has tomato and the original version does not have. The older version is flavored with cinnamon, bay leaf and gremolata. The modern and more popular recipe include tomatoes, carrots, celery and onion.

*Lamb Roganjosh* 
-- picture on the right --
Lamb Roganjosh,  is a aromatic lamb dish hailing from Kashmir. Rogan means oil in Persian, while Josh means heat, hot, boiling or passionate. Thus, it means cooked in oil at intense heat. Another interpretation of the name is derived from the word 'Rojan', means the color and 'Josh' means passion, hot and red. So, this dish is red in color. The red color is the characteristic to this dish. A modified version of the dish is yogurt based.

-- picture on the left --

Ratatouille, is a traditional French Provencal stewed vegetable dish, originated in Nice. Ratatouille is usually served as a side dish, but it also may be served as a meal on its own, accompanied with pasta, rice or bread. Tomatoes are the key ingredient, with garlic, onion, zucchini, aubergine, bell peppers and herbs. Ratatouille is a dish that is extremely popular with dieters. This is because not only is low in fat and calories, but is actually high in nutrients.

-- picture on the right --
*Rice Pilaf*

Pilaf, is a dish in which rice is cooked in a broth. The rice may also attain its brown color by being stirred with bits of cooked onion, as well as large mix of spices or herbs. The English term, pilaf is directly from Turkish. Depending on the local cuisines, it may contain meats and vegetables.

Thursday, March 8, 2012




~ 人生的十大难处 ~

* 越成长越该明白 *

1.气你+逗你=喜欢你 ;
2.学你+跟你=暗恋你 ;
3.疼你+顺你=想追你 ;
4.想你+念你=爱上你 ;
5.追你+顺你=想娶你 ;
6.打你+骂你=心中有你 ;
7.烦你+不理你=想甩你 。




水瓶独自一人的时候会迷茫拿著手机不知道做什么。水瓶和不熟悉的人在一起很斯文不说话,会给人很好的感觉。但一熟悉起来你会发现水瓶的单纯和没有长大的心、却又爱玩什麼都敢尝。 水瓶懒的连下楼买早餐都嫌烦。房间永远乱乱的却给人舒适感。好好珍惜身边的水瓶,只因他们太单纯。






Tuesday, March 6, 2012


After chatting with my mom last week, a sentence always appear on my mind. That is "what is the point I go back home is knowing that the same thing is going to happen.." what same thing?? Well, is always the same thing and will always be if you, X don't change it. If it is like this, why don't you let T and Y come? If I go back, I have only 4 Saturdays and Sundays to be with you at home. If z stole my 4 weekends, I'll talk back with you, when the time come, don't blame me. You deserve it.

Although I have other days, but those days are only be me and L. Where were you? Work. From morning 8am to at night 8pm, if overtime, 10pm. Calculate the time, please. When you go to work, I'm still sleeping; when you get home, I have only 2 hours with you. Time is very very precious. We cannot turn back time. Sometime I don't want to go to bed early, why? I just want to be with you, watching tv, laugh on funny scenes... (although sometime I was very tired), still worth it. I really hope you can change, you already married and have your own family, so you should put your family first. I know that Z is important, but the way you do is wrong. Whenever we plan something, 80% will be ruined when Z comes. Why?? I'm getting sick of it. I really hope that my only 4 weekends will not be ruined. If not, I will not come back on the next holidays. I'll asked T and Y to come and leave you alone like you always love to do. You like to go C so much and leave us at home; now at home left T and Y, you still do the same. WTF??? The time you going to spend for life is not your DOGS, is T.

Your family is the past and now you have your own family, why can't you appreciate them? So disappointed in you. For years the same things always happened, I kinda fed up of it. Don't you?? Suck it~~~~~