Friday, March 2, 2012



Today is mummy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY. Last year of today, I totally forget her birthday, as that day I went to Batu Ferringi with A and B to find house for my training and I lost my mac. God. I was terrified and up sad. Anyway, it had passed.

Now, in Melbourne, is windy and raining. I don't know why but I had been not feeling good for a week. I'm cold, tired, headache and stomach ache (this is due to period). I can feel that I'm going to be sick (touch wood). Hope not. My nose had bleed frequently these days. God, what is wrong with me???

Now, this year I'm 21. Time flies. Sometime when I look back to my baby pictures, I felt that why I need to grow up so fast?? When I was young, lots of people loves me, but as I grew up and my cousins were born, everything was different. Sometimes I felt that life is not fare. Actually, I knew that God was very fare to everyone. He gave us (all human) half of wonderful things and another half is depends on us to create. I have a parents who loves me, they gave me a chance to fulfill my dream to become a pastry chef, and for the other half, I'm going to appreciate the chance by getting good grades and be successful in my life. I will not let SOMEONE look down on me.

As I read through my old post, I laughed. Some of it make no sense. Haha. My words written were like I'm translating from either chinese, hokkien, malay or other languages. I'm thinking of deleting it but I don't want, because is part of my old life that I wrote. But for now, I'm also writing about what I had learned from William Angliss. When I was in KDU, I never thought of posts anything from there. Don't know why and is weird. I only post things that I don't like about some people, I think. I only give and show my blog to a very good and close friend of mine. Even my so call 'god brother' also don't know.

Okay, I'll update next week. Next week I'll be doing lots of delicious foods and desserts.

Bombe Alaska

Friday, 2/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bombe Alaska!!!!!! Before making this, I need to prepare meringue and raspberry coulis.

Coulis, is a French word for 'strained liquid' and is a type of sauce which can be sweet or savory, depending on what it going to accompany with. Coulis is a thick and evenly textured and it can be made from fruits and vegetables. Many stores sell them in pre packed containers and is also very easy to make at home. Coulis can enhance the flavor go food as well as making it look more sophisticated on the plate. Fruit coulis often accompanies desserts. One of the most classic kinds of fruit coulis is a berrycoulis, especially raspberry. Fruits are usually lightly seasoned with sugar and lemon juice to bring out the flavor of the fruits so that they enhance the dishes they are added to.

Ingredients needed are frozen raspberries (250g), water (100g) and sugar (100g). It is very easy to make them, just bring all of them together to boil and simmer for 2 minutes. Strain in a fine sieve and leave to cool. It can served hot or cold.

Meringue, is a type of dessert made from whipped egg whites and sugar. The key to form a good meringue is the formation of stiff peaks formed by denaturing the protein ovalbumin. They are light, airy and sweet. Homemade meringue will often be chewy and soft with a crisp exterior while the commercial meringue will be crisp throughout. Meringue is traditionally shaped between 2 spoons as they are generally at home today. 

Meringue is a fat free food because the presence of even small amounts of fat before the meringue is baked causes the beaten egg white to collapse. The principle nutritional components are high quality protein from the egg whites and simple carbohydrates from the refined sugar. 

There are 3 types of meringue, which are the Italian meringue, French meringue and Swiss meringue. The pictures beside are Italian meringue. 

Italian meringue, is made by whipping egg whites to a soft peak, then pouring softball sugar syrup into the whites and whisked until cold, stiff and shinny. This meringue can stand for some time before used. It is denser than French and Swiss meringue because the whites are partially cooked, therefore holding up longer before it starts to deflate. This meringue can be incorporated into desserts which don't require further cooking. It can also easily be colored by placing under salamander, hot oven or by blowtorch for a brief time. I will not talk about the other 2 meringue as I'm using Italian meringue to make Bombe Alaska.

To make meringue, in a mixing bowl, pour the egg white (125g) and whisk at the low speed. On the other hand, mix sugar (250g) and water (100g) in a pot and bring to boil. Boil until the syrup reaches 118 degree on sugar thermometer. Before poring the sugar syrup, turn to speed 2 and make sure the egg white has started to expand (bubbly on top). Then, pour in the sugar syrup slowly to the egg white. Turn to high speed and whisk will meringue is form (as the pictures above). When it is ready, should have a firm peak and will not drop when turn the bowl upside-down.    

 Now I'm ready plate the Bombe Alaska. 
Bombe Alaska is also commonly known as the baked Alaska. It is a classic dessert that combines cold frozen ice cream, wrapped in a thin sheet of soft sponge cake, topped with caramelized sweet meringue. This dessert is then placed into an extremely hot oven to caramelized the meringue, without melting the ice cream, of course. 

First place the ice cream on the cold plate. Quickly spread or pipe the meringue on the ice cream. Caramelized the meringue using a blow touch. Serve with raspberry coulis and some chocolate sauce. 

My Bombe Alaska is ready. Look delicious???

I have mixed 3 flavor of ice cream, start from below, coffee, pistachio and chocolate. It was delicious. I only manage to eat half and the rest when to the bin. I can't take home as it melt very fast. 


Friday, 2/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

It's friday again. For today, I have done 2 products, raspberry parfait and bombe alaska.

Parfaits, is a French word literally means "prefect" and is used to describe a kind of frozen dessert. It is used to describe 2 different dessert, European and American.

The American parfait is a dessert of alternating layers of ice cream, fruit and liqueur, served in a tall glass topped with whipped cream.

The European parfait is a delicate frozen dessert, usually lighter and less sweet than ice cream, made from a mixture of egg yolk and sugar syrup whipped to a ribbon stage with the addition of whipped cream and flavoring folded through. The texture must be as light as possible. The mixture is then poured into moulds and frozen without churning. The parfait is de moulded to warm for a few minutes before serving. 

To make this dessert, the ingredients are sugar (110g), water (50g) , egg yolks (6 no) , fruit puree (any flavor that you like - 150g) and whipped cream (semi whipped before used - 300g). 

Before start making, whipped the cream until is semi whipped. Then, boil sugar and water to 118 degree. Meanwhile, whip the egg yolks. Slowly add the hot sugar syrup in the egg yolks and whisk till reach a ribbon stage**. After that, pour in the fruit puree and mix well. Fold a bit of whipped cream in the sabayon. Then, pour all of the mixture to the whipped cream. Fold till well cooperated. Place them a mould and freeze till frozen. 

** Ribbon stage is a term describe the texture of egg and sugar mixture that has been beaten until pale and extremely thick. When the whisk is lifted, the batter falls slowly back onto the surface of the mixture, forming a ribbon like pattern ** 

My plating is out. Some of my course mates plates nicer. I need to work more on plating skills. 


Thursday, 1/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes) 

Gugelhopf, has its origin in Austria where is once consider to be a status or a wealth symbol. It has a conical shape and the way it rises from the tin. The word "Gugel" refers to mountain peak and "hopf" means to jump or leap. The traditional Gugelhupf is aerated with yeast. However, other varieties are aerated by chemical such as baking powder or bicarbonate soda. The hole in the centre assists in the baking process, shortening the time as heat penetration increased. Batter temperature best between 20-24 degree celsius. 

To make this, first, cream the butter, glucose and sugar. While the butter is creaming, prepare both dry and wet ingredients. Dry ingredients include flour and baking powder. Wet ingredients are eggs, vanilla essence and milk. When the butter is ready, just alternately add in the dry and wet items. Don't add in all at one time. Bake at 180 degree for 35 minutes.  

Before Baking


Thursday, 1/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

Sconesis a small British quick bread, traditionally hailing from both Scotland and the South West England. They are usually made of wheat or oatmeal with baking powder as leavening agent. The original scone was round and flat, usually the size of a medium size plate. 

The method I use is the rub in method. This is the common method. Some recipes use water instead of milk. But milk is better as there will be more flavor in it. First, mix the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Sift them. Add in butter to the flour mix and by using our hand, rub the mixture until there is no big lumps of butter. It will become like breadcrumb. Then, put in the milk and mix well. Knead the soft dough on the table with some flour dust on it until the top part covered with some flour. *Don't over knead the dough*

Cut into shape using scone cutter. 
Remember not to mix the dough more that twice. 
Notice that there is 2 difference color??? 
Guess... what is the difference??? 

@ with egg wash @

@ without egg wash @



Thursday, 1/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

It March, how time flies. I'm in Melbourne already for a month. WOW.

Hmm, what are they? 
Muffins are American, is a cake style, high in sugar and is chemically aerated. Muffins are baked in high temperature and the top after baking should have a cracked or broken surface. The temperature is about 210 degree with full bottom heat to allow the heat to penetrate through the tray. Muffins should be removed from the oven without over baking to prevent drying and shrinkage. They are best removed from trays as soon as possible for these reasons. 

My partner and I decided to do Chocolate Banana Muffins. YUMM. I used to baked at home and is the best combination. The banana can be smashed and put in when the batter is ready. It is easy to make them. Combine all the dry ingredients and sift them. As this is chocolate banana muffin, I have deduct some amount of flour to add in cocoa powder. Mix the wet ingredients in another bowl. Later, just pour the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix till well combined. Don't over mix them as they will be tough after baking. Place them in a muffin pan and 3/4 filled with the mix. After that, off to the oven. Bake at 210 degree for 15 minutes.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Something Freezing......

Friday, 24/2/2012
( Hot and Cold Dessert )

Today, John (the chef) is not here, so the class is teaches by Ruby (another chef). 

Anyway, today is Ice Cream day. Not only that, it is also sorbet's day. My class had prepared various types of Ice Cream, we have raspberry, mango, pistachio, chocolate, double chocolate and coffee. INTERESTING, HUH?????? The purpose of making ice cream is for next week class as I'll be doing Bombe Alaska. Heard of it, but never taste it, so I'm kinda excited. 

Sorbet... not all the class prepare. Only 2 teams prepare them and never tried them yet. Has 2 flavor, raspberry and champagne. Before the class ends, another thing I do is brandy snaps. It is some sort of thing for decorations. The ingredients include butter, golden syrup, sugar, flour, ground ginger and of course brandy, as the name, "BRANDY SNAPS". After baking, I shaped them into 3 types:




I only manage to grab a picture of ice cream when it was ready from the freezing machine.

AWAITS for next week "Hot and Cold Dessert"... HAHA...


Thursday, 23/2/2012
( Prepare and Produce Cakes )

Thursday... Thursday... Thursday... it is Thursday again. Wao, I'm so exited. Okay, back to the topic above, Sponge. Today, I have done Chocolate Sponge cake and swiss rolls.

For the sponge, half of the class is doing vanilla sponge and another half is doing chocolate sponge. The method using is orthodox sponge, also known as the basic sponge method. First, my partner and I prepare the ingredients. In a mixing bowl, I mix in eggs, sugar and vanilla essence. Then I place them in a brain mire and whisk until it had reached 38 degree. After that, I pour them in the mixing bowl and mix in a medium speed/high speed until it increased it volume.

While is mixing, I sift the flour and cocoa powder. For chocolate sponge, must decrease the amount of flour and substitute with 12% of cocoa powder. After it is done, by using my bare hand ( of course I have washed them ), I mix in the flour bit by bit until finish. Lastly, add in some melted butter. BAKING TIME. Temperature, 200 degree for 25 minutes or golden brown. After the timer rings, I take them out and sprinkle some castor sugar below before I placed them in  another tray to prevent sticking. and TA DA. The sponge is ready, as below, NICE??????

Decoration time... Cut the sponge half and spread some jam, and pipe whipped cream in the middle. Then, sprinkle some icing sugar on top. My sponge are done!!!!!! Oh well, I didn't have the chance to eat my product as they are taken to the bake shop to sell unless I brought them. Unfortunately, I didn't buy them as is expensive although they have given me half price. But, I have taste my chef, Susan's sponge, it was delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next is Swiss Roll. The recipe is different. I'm using the emulsified swiss roll recipe. For this one, it is much more easier to do as just mix in all the wet ingredients and then the dry ingredients. For the dry ingredients, remember to sift them. First, whisk for a minute to bind all the ingredients in low speed. Scrape the bowl and whisk again for 4 minutes in medium speed, that is until the sponge aerated. After it is done, spread evenly and bake immediately. Bake for 5 minutes at 220 degree.

After 5 minutes, take out from the oven and before transfer to a wire rack, on a piece of silicon paper, sprinkle some sugar before transferring them. If not, they will stick on the paper. While it cools down, I prepare my buttercream. There are 3 types of buttercream, German, Italian and French. I will no elaborate in that. I'm using German buttercream. It is custard base. In a pot, I put in milk and sugar and bring to boil. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk the cornflour, vanilla essence, egg yolk and some milk until is smooth. Slowly pour the custard in the boiling pot and whisk well until is thicken.

Transfer to a mixing bowl, turn to medium speed and whisk till it is cool. Add in butter and continue whisking until is well cooperated. The buttercream is ready. Time to prepare my swiss roll!!! First, spread a thin layer of jam. Then spread the buttercream evenly. Roll them and tightly secure them in shape. Cut in half and it is done.

I brought my swiss roll for $1 each. The price the bake shop sell is $2.50 each. But because it was made by me in class, so I can get half price. AMAZING!!!!!!!! See the size, it was huge.  I save a lot and it was yummy. I LOVE IT.

P.S. The picture is taken at home.

Basic Preparation

Tuesday, 21/2/2012
( Unit Kitchen)

It's Tuesday again. So, for today I have learn some basic cooking methods like boiling, poaching, blanching and steaming. I have done 5 things today, which are cook the spaghetti, blanched broccoli, poached eggs, chicken stock, steam chicken breast using the traditional method and cream of chicken soup.

Well, I have no time to snap pictures, so I only have 2 for today.

( Spaghetti with Broccoli ) 

( Poached Eggs )

For my cream of chicken soup, I felt is too creamy. I didn't mix properly when I was doing the roux for the chicken soup, therefore it has a bit of flour balls (mini ones) appear on the surface. And also when I was doing my chicken stock, I added too much of fresh thyme, so the taste is very strong.