Saturday, May 15, 2010


16th May...Sun...12.23am..................
now is sunday morning...hehe...not yet sleep...still watching tv...last night guess what time i sleep...haha...4am...wa...geng leh...let write about thursday...hrm...morning class cancel...but i still go early...usual time...then go breakfast 9am...after that go and also looking some books...then 11.30am go canteen eat lunch...mayonnaise chicken...not bad...then about 1.00pm go to lab...class starts at 2pm...finish at 4pm...then i balik kampung...home sweet home...hehe...about friday...i wake up at 10.15am...actually i'm at home...i'm always lazy de...home is always the best ma...then go eat lunch and mum da bao for jason...mei...and dad...and also for mum afternoon about 2pm go jusco to buy stuffs...then at night cook dinner...pan fry fish and deep fry fish...and night watch movie...on saturday...i wake up at 11am something...then go the afternoon go eat candol...bring jason to cut his hair...later do chocolate nice...then dinner at grandpa place with god dad's 8pm left grandpa house...balik rumah...stay home play zuma and watch movie...again...that is all...12.43am...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


12th May...wednesday...9.15pm.............. food production 2's class from night change to morning...but i still like the night class...don't know why...reasons that don't know how to today wake up 6.30am...wa...early right???...but i sleep back until 7am only wake up...then 7.25am go college...the like usual...i have a very light breakfast and a coffee...i usually sit at the down part...but today nadia call me and ask me to sit i sit up with them lo...then at and them walk to the restaurant for a the 2pm class...slight briefing...everyone's face looks very tired...maybe wake up too early...if stay far...have to come from their home early...if near like me...not that rush...the time i wake up is their time to travel come...hehe...i'm bad huh???...continue...everyone yawn...from today's class starts is doing our personal assignment...starts with the three leader...nadia...kian chin and yong...first chef asked them to slightly brief about their and then the most hard part...they must choose their own members...later if my turn...i don't know who to choose hard...continue...then nadia choose choose choose choose ME...i'm like...huh...ME ah??? eyes open wide...before nadia choose me...she had chosen auther, tart, edward kong, rebecca, tsu chuen and e-hun...then she starts give task...who who who do appetizer...who who who do chicken...who who who do sauce...who who who do dessert and so on...then she choose me to do dessert and rebecca do appetizer because she said easy and won't have much problem...but end up...all 24 of us kena scold by balik...not yet i was saying...appetizer...ok...then she tell me what to do for dessert...that is first beat the cheese and sugar first...then add in two eggs...vanilla essence...then bake...turn out the texture is out...then lucky rebecca call chef...then chef modified the thing by adding flour and turns out good...but too sweet...the recipe state to to 500g of sugar and cheese 500g...that is too put only about half...but end up also sweet...the sweet taste had covered the cheese taste...a bit fault because i didn't take care well...sorry nadia...i also had apologize to her but i still felt not good...just want to say sorry...i scared that i will pull down her about that later...continue...apologized...her dessert is mascarpone cheese xxx blueberry compote xxx puff pastry...forget the name...too long...but end up turns well...luckily...but luckily end up...with the help of chef darren...everything turns out well...very tired day...then we finish at about 3.15pm...then like usual too...have a slightly briefing again...he said that next time if there anything things goes wrong...don't throw...can be modified...he is very good...he can change from a bad to a a saying...don't mean it...chef darren is very good la...respect him...class finish balik kampung...haiz...if because of me...nadia's marks affected...i will never forgive myself...she also the same gua...ok...that autosaved already...quickly...if not later have to wait again...bye...9.49pm...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


11th May...tuesday...sunny...11.21pm...............
today is tuesday...means that got CAD 1 class & Bakery class...CAD 1 is culinary arts and design starts to do last week group planning to do a coral...with sea animal such as crabs, lobster, starfish and today only manage to do a bit coz not much time...this class left 4 more weeks then presentation...last thing for this subject will be doing butterscapture...using butter i be hard gua...don't know...then class finish at 5.30pm coz we need to clear up the mess...before class usual...wake up 7.30am...grooming...go college at 8.20am...reach someone put my airplane again...haiz...know who la...rebecca lo...not the first time...used to this...she always do the same thing...that is tell me will come early tomorrow but end up i reach she not yet reach...the apologies also i used to i purposely don't want to reply her when she ask...i said i put silent coz my phone when i put silent mode...i don't know a thing...when i put vibration...i can know coz it will vibrate...always the same message..."sorry here...sorry there"...sian already...then go have breakfast at 9.00am...then go library to do my KMD (kitchen maintenance and design) group doing stove...then 11.30am go have light lunch...then go to class at 12.10pm with friends...who knows...chef come late again...12.35pm only come...always let this...then class canteeen...suddenly a course mates inform that bakery no class...the chef sms disappointed...why leh???...because today suppose to do favorite...haiz...then i decided to go gurney with friends to watch movie...i felt that so happy...get to go not always have the chance to go out like this...then movie finish at 9.00pm...then rebecca, nadia and i go shake sushi to have dinner...actually...before the movie starts...i and the boys (group c members, now at our group, include kian chin, johnson, edward wong and auther lee) go eat the food court mee ma dei only la...forget to mention i watch 7.00pm show...the earliest...after talking and eating...finish at about 10.00pm...then go get car and back to palazzo at 10.25pm...luckily...i still can manage to reach...but mummy warned me not to go watch late cannot go again...afternoon still ok...must follow mummy order...if not i cannot go out already...(mummy call me at 5.45pm and i told her class first i don't want to tell...but i cannot control...i just say out...)...anyway...that all for today...just finish looking an state that a person sleep less then 6 hours can die...a normal person should sleep 6 to 10 ta ta...have to go to bed wednesday already...hehe...haiz...cannot save...something is wrong with the line here...very slow...sometimes fast...sometimes slow...cannot home line is so fast...don't know they pay so much here for what...very time got ok auto a new time...12.14am...

Monday, May 10, 2010


10th May.....Monday.....OK.....10.24pm..............
Hi...dianne here...hehe...just for fun nia...ok...back wake up at 9.30am...actually i must wake up at 8.15am...and i already set alarm...but i cannot wake up...may be i'm too plan also change...go eat with mum and jason around 10.15am...go eat dim sum...then back at late...i forget to mention that i have class at 12.00pm...wa...i'm in such a rush...ok...then i decide to change my formal before going because i think will be late and i straight go to college i take off at 11.30am...go take pei chiew at her grandma house in sentosa...then reach coaster highway at 12.00pm...who pek chek...about 15 min later...i found out that is JPJ checking the lorries...after getting through...i quickly put oil coz i'm rushing to college...reach at 12.30pm in KDU car park...then quickly run to class...with high heel...hehe...1st ho liao leh me...then class finish at 2.00pm...after class...go back palazzo to put my stuff and change to my casual...then off to gurney to watch IP MAN 2...wa...the movie is very about bruce lee master, ip man..."李小龙师傅,叶问"...the movie is very good because it teaches me the history of kung a vey meaningful story...incredible story la...i watch 2.50pm de...then finish at about 4.45pm...after that go siew yeng em em house to pass jason's passport and also the bak chang...Jason is going to North of Eupore with andy, pek pek, em em and first i also wanted to follow but will miss 6 days on second thought...i don't want to go lo...will miss a have to wait the next time...haiz...miss a big opportunity...nevermind time go with mum...wait lo...then 6pm go eat pizza hut with pei the new ok...but is too much mayonnaise...we eat and talk until about 7pm...then we go back...that all for today...nothing much to write...because only 1 class nia write tomorrow...wah...can't wait till tomorrow...coz tomorrow is doing croissant in bakery write tomorrow...sure got lots to write is 10.38pm...still early rite????....hehe..............

Sunday, May 9, 2010


9th MAY..........Sun..........raining........10.19pm...................
today is sunday...last wrote is wednesday...wa...4 days did not write already...hehe...let's say thursday...hrm...let me think...9.00am got like usual...go college at 8.20am...then have breakfast...class until 11am...but i waited at class for about 45 min then only chef come...waited for so long leh...this is because he got another class...haiz...if let this...change day or time la...if not waste our time nia...then after finish...go lunch with friends at canteen and chatting until about 12.00pm...then go ilab...continue the same...talking...until 1.45pm then go lab for class...class starts at 2pm...then finish at 4pm...then i balik kampung...that all my thursday...about friday...morning go hospital to see a scan...and nothing...but hilang RM600 ah...pain ah...continue...then follow mum to office...coz mum's follow lo...coz come back from penang at about 2pm...coz in hospital waiting the report...left hospital about 12.30pm...then go lorong selamlt to eat char keow tiao...then only go back...that is why so late lo...then at night only come back...that all...then saturday...go auto city eat nando's then go juru height see my new house...then come back...go grandpa house...grandpa at night got we have our own city restaurant...then come afternoon do mousse...chocolate mousse...yummy...not bad leh...good job dianne...then sunday...the whole go eat a chai kuih...cendol...kai si mi...n stomach want to burst soon la...that all...will write is 11.06pm...good night...actually not yet sleep...still watching TV...hehe...anyway...bye!!!!!!!!!!