Wednesday, April 28, 2010

feelings...and also memories...

29th April 2010..........12.10am..........good whether....
haiz....haiz...haiz...tired la...can't continue let this...i can DIE soon...i really x100000 hope that the kitchen can be done soon...soon i means fast soon...if not is really DIE...why???...even today my mom calls me and keep asking me why so late...normally on wed...i'll be at palazzo around the latest 10.30pm...but today later coz got one person comes late...that is around everything turns out late...i even had my dinner late at about 10pm something...i think...with my group after eating and cleaning is already about after around 11pm...i quickly run to my car and drive to reach palazzo at about 11.10pm...LATE...haiz...ah...forget to mention that i'm the only girl in my i had lots and lots of fun playing and working around with them...i don't know why coz i suddenly felt i had become talkative...i don't know why also...weird...coz normally i don't talk much in class...but after i come back from singapore...don't know why and how...i'm so talkative...talks a lot and also laugh a i crazy???...don't know la...coz at the beginning when chef darren grouping us...i'm so quiet that i don't dare to talk...but today i can talk to them...sit down and have dinner with them...laugh with them...joke around with them...WEIRD...what had happened to me???...ah and also the others...not only my all the group A mates...
~~~on the 19th to 23rd of april...i went to singapore with college...the purpose is to go the FHA...that is food and hotel asia...wah it is big and interesting and a knowledgeable trip...""for more info...pls refer to macintosh photos.Singapore and FHA Trip 2010 or Singapore Trip 2010(pictures from othes)...''''not only go to the singapore expo...but also go to Universal Studio Singapore...yeh...i'm having lots of fun at then...enjoying myself with my friends...Rebecca...May...Lilian...E-Hun...Tsu Chuen...Zhi Kang...the twins,min chu and min qiao...sheng cheong...i'll cherish the moment when i was in Universal is the most memorable time for me...~~~
After come back from the trip...everything is different...most of the boys approach to me and i don't know why...that why i said WEIRD...and talk to me...joke around me...again...WEIRD...i don't know why...i hope got someone can tell me in conclusion...after this trip...everything changed...even rebecca also said me very this the real me???...keep asking myself and i could not answered...WHY???...On the 27th...that is my fruit carving exam...well and some call it won't so stress for some...this word 'exam' is too pressure...even for i just take it like a project...just try my very best...hah...who know...i did quite well...satisfied...carve a quite wonderful flower...mua yi...but for the presentation...not that good coz the other group members did not carve well...well the 1st i want to complain is Hooi Ling...hate her...nobody in group A like her...all very geram her...i don't know what is she carving...she luan luan carve de...i think i will lose the presentation marks because of her...hate her...HATE HER...she carve like...well...only a word to describe...SHIT...i don't understand why she come and study chef programme...she don't have the skills la...SICK of her is already 12.54am and i'm still writing although i'm very very very tired and final conclusion...i'm very happy that i finally can mix around with the boys...without my the shyness already...but the truth is still have a bit la...cannot mention all is gone...ha...

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