Sunday, May 2, 2010


2nd of MAY.....Sunday.....10.15pm.......Windy...................
Haiz...tired la...assignment...homework....questions....very very tired la...and I first time come across this type of person...she ask me for homework...then she wrote a sms about let this..."Dianne,pls help me coz i didn't pay attention in class,so can you send yours when you're done?"...i reply..."i not do every of the homework yet,include assignment"...she reply..."just send me when you're done"...when i read this reply...i'm so angry and pissed off...where got people write let is asking me for my work...she thought that i must send to her ah???...wait i purposely don't want to do my work in the last minute...haha...i hate that la...SHIT...who she think she is???...what for i must be a good person??? a word thank you also...if i know early...i won't waste my time to write that stupid notes for her...use up my 2 hours la...i still purposely go online to find information to help her...FUCK...actually is your problem...not mine...what i must be busybody??? stupid go and help and end up get nothing...a thank you also so hard to say meh???...SHIT...i'm so pissed off now...don't think about that liao la...that is about yesterday...i think...if i'm not mistaken...about today...erm...let see...i think nothing special happen today la...morning wake up 10am something...then go eat...about 12pm go penang...found out the time still early...then go PISA...see camera and bridal fair...then about 2pm go airport go bring my dad...about at 3pm...go eat kayu restaurant...then come back...bathe...go grandpa house at about 6pm...6.30pm go out dinner with grandpa...the come at 7.45pm...then talk with my mum, my god mum and aunt siew about 8.30pm come penang...reach at about 9.30pm...pack and on my MAC...the first thing is facebook...haha...then on blog to start realized pdp hoemwork not yet do...hehe...have to stop homework first...write the 4th tomorrow...hope got time is 10.40pm...

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