Sunday, May 9, 2010


9th MAY..........Sun..........raining........10.19pm...................
today is sunday...last wrote is wednesday...wa...4 days did not write already...hehe...let's say thursday...hrm...let me think...9.00am got like usual...go college at 8.20am...then have breakfast...class until 11am...but i waited at class for about 45 min then only chef come...waited for so long leh...this is because he got another class...haiz...if let this...change day or time la...if not waste our time nia...then after finish...go lunch with friends at canteen and chatting until about 12.00pm...then go ilab...continue the same...talking...until 1.45pm then go lab for class...class starts at 2pm...then finish at 4pm...then i balik kampung...that all my thursday...about friday...morning go hospital to see a scan...and nothing...but hilang RM600 ah...pain ah...continue...then follow mum to office...coz mum's follow lo...coz come back from penang at about 2pm...coz in hospital waiting the report...left hospital about 12.30pm...then go lorong selamlt to eat char keow tiao...then only go back...that is why so late lo...then at night only come back...that all...then saturday...go auto city eat nando's then go juru height see my new house...then come back...go grandpa house...grandpa at night got we have our own city restaurant...then come afternoon do mousse...chocolate mousse...yummy...not bad leh...good job dianne...then sunday...the whole go eat a chai kuih...cendol...kai si mi...n stomach want to burst soon la...that all...will write is 11.06pm...good night...actually not yet sleep...still watching TV...hehe...anyway...bye!!!!!!!!!!

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