Wednesday, May 12, 2010


12th May...wednesday...9.15pm.............. food production 2's class from night change to morning...but i still like the night class...don't know why...reasons that don't know how to today wake up 6.30am...wa...early right???...but i sleep back until 7am only wake up...then 7.25am go college...the like usual...i have a very light breakfast and a coffee...i usually sit at the down part...but today nadia call me and ask me to sit i sit up with them lo...then at and them walk to the restaurant for a the 2pm class...slight briefing...everyone's face looks very tired...maybe wake up too early...if stay far...have to come from their home early...if near like me...not that rush...the time i wake up is their time to travel come...hehe...i'm bad huh???...continue...everyone yawn...from today's class starts is doing our personal assignment...starts with the three leader...nadia...kian chin and yong...first chef asked them to slightly brief about their and then the most hard part...they must choose their own members...later if my turn...i don't know who to choose hard...continue...then nadia choose choose choose choose ME...i'm like...huh...ME ah??? eyes open wide...before nadia choose me...she had chosen auther, tart, edward kong, rebecca, tsu chuen and e-hun...then she starts give task...who who who do appetizer...who who who do chicken...who who who do sauce...who who who do dessert and so on...then she choose me to do dessert and rebecca do appetizer because she said easy and won't have much problem...but end up...all 24 of us kena scold by balik...not yet i was saying...appetizer...ok...then she tell me what to do for dessert...that is first beat the cheese and sugar first...then add in two eggs...vanilla essence...then bake...turn out the texture is out...then lucky rebecca call chef...then chef modified the thing by adding flour and turns out good...but too sweet...the recipe state to to 500g of sugar and cheese 500g...that is too put only about half...but end up also sweet...the sweet taste had covered the cheese taste...a bit fault because i didn't take care well...sorry nadia...i also had apologize to her but i still felt not good...just want to say sorry...i scared that i will pull down her about that later...continue...apologized...her dessert is mascarpone cheese xxx blueberry compote xxx puff pastry...forget the name...too long...but end up turns well...luckily...but luckily end up...with the help of chef darren...everything turns out well...very tired day...then we finish at about 3.15pm...then like usual too...have a slightly briefing again...he said that next time if there anything things goes wrong...don't throw...can be modified...he is very good...he can change from a bad to a a saying...don't mean it...chef darren is very good la...respect him...class finish balik kampung...haiz...if because of me...nadia's marks affected...i will never forgive myself...she also the same gua...ok...that autosaved already...quickly...if not later have to wait again...bye...9.49pm...

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