Tuesday, November 9, 2010


wednesday...... 10th Nov...... 3.37pm...........

It's me.. haha.. long time did not write my blog since august.. haha.. coz lazy a bit to update.. anyway.. i want to let out my anger...

It is all about her again, my twins.... i cannot stand her character and patterns anymore... i hate them la... and hate her too... she is a kind of person that... like example... last time before nadia join.. she always like dianne these, dianne that, like without me she will die one, then now leh?? she like always go find nadia, then me leh, forget already.. like after our class, she go to kitchen to find nadia, then i ma follow go lo.. then, once she go inside, she just join them n i stand at one corner, she like treat me invinsible.. then i ma get a bit angry.. without telling her, i go out to canteen and have my lunch, after that, i go back inside, she like didn;t noticed that i am away. then a while more, again the same, so i ma go ilab to online lo, after about an hour, i go back, still the same, WTF. if is were last time, she will message see where i go, now not even 1. last time, when she go out with them, she will ask me to teman her because she will be bored when she go out with them, but now, she no need already. she got tans og topics with them. SO these days i purposely sit further, keep quiet when she is around. Now like she treat me INVISIBLE. so it getting my nerves. therefore, i'm transforming become the old me, the quiet girl. I HATE HER. and another is like when i got on facebook, she'll say like hello, how are you. but now no. actually is just a small matter, is just that her pattern i don;t like. If they were around, i'm invisible, if they were not around, i visible. WTH. that is why i don't one BFF. if tipu one. everyone i treat is like a friend. Only Friend. yesterday, i go college. at first is i want to study marketing, but end up play games. then after lunch, i purpose say i want to go home when she say she want to go library. then she say, "huh, so early only wor.." then i say "i want to go back". end up she is alone at library until 6pm. SYOK!!!
Don;t blame me, is just a small revenge. one more thing i hate about her is that she always ask me to go penang. but when i ask her to come bm, she find excuses. but she can go to butterworth. WTH. mark my words, she is just a below normal friend to me. Don;t ask me to do anything. is your problem. now, she like when got problem only come find me, if not, none. If u continue to treat me like this, when u call or message, i won't reply and answer you. let u call till yourself pek chek. Wait and See.

Okay la, i feel must better now. So i'll stop here. Write soon. 4.00pm

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