Tuesday, March 6, 2012


After chatting with my mom last week, a sentence always appear on my mind. That is "what is the point I go back home is knowing that the same thing is going to happen.." what same thing?? Well, is always the same thing and will always be if you, X don't change it. If it is like this, why don't you let T and Y come? If I go back, I have only 4 Saturdays and Sundays to be with you at home. If z stole my 4 weekends, I'll talk back with you, when the time come, don't blame me. You deserve it.

Although I have other days, but those days are only be me and L. Where were you? Work. From morning 8am to at night 8pm, if overtime, 10pm. Calculate the time, please. When you go to work, I'm still sleeping; when you get home, I have only 2 hours with you. Time is very very precious. We cannot turn back time. Sometime I don't want to go to bed early, why? I just want to be with you, watching tv, laugh on funny scenes... (although sometime I was very tired), still worth it. I really hope you can change, you already married and have your own family, so you should put your family first. I know that Z is important, but the way you do is wrong. Whenever we plan something, 80% will be ruined when Z comes. Why?? I'm getting sick of it. I really hope that my only 4 weekends will not be ruined. If not, I will not come back on the next holidays. I'll asked T and Y to come and leave you alone like you always love to do. You like to go C so much and leave us at home; now at home left T and Y, you still do the same. WTF??? The time you going to spend for life is not your DOGS, is T.

Your family is the past and now you have your own family, why can't you appreciate them? So disappointed in you. For years the same things always happened, I kinda fed up of it. Don't you?? Suck it~~~~~

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