Tuesday, June 15, 2010


16th June... wed... 10.45am......
I'm so frustrated these days, especially with someone. The things that non of my business also can become my business, so geram, very hate it but i can't say a thing because i'm always the good and kind person, so i keep everything in my heart. I'm also a person with feeling, but someone always just don't care, hate it. A person, or call as R, got lots and lots of problem. After this then that, after that then this, so tired with her nowadays. Now i know that the words she said was always not true, so from now on, i'll not believe a word she say anymore. Lie-er. At the begining, she likes a guy, but this guy likes another girl after his ex-girlfriend, then who know a friend, call as N, also like the same guy, what the... so N told R, the R like very sad, because she also fallen for the same guy. Then R told me, then i told her that if she really like him, go tell him the truth lo, but she don't want because of her size. Who said that a FAT person does not deserved a true love??? Everyone deserved to have a guy or girl. Then later come her admire, a chef, call D. When she does not sees D around, she will feel disappointed. What the... again. So what, if want to see him, go find him la. Then now come another one, also a chef, teaches me bakery, call him as Z. She usually got sms with him, but if he did not reply her, she say she feel sad, STUPID. Then yesterday she say she will be crazy, actually everything she started it first, problem maker. So now she got 3 guy in her mind. Again she say that she likes Z, but cannot let go of the guy, S. Sometimes i felt that help her also no used, she always say cannot forget la, cannot give up la, blar blar blar, then also she today no mood la, that day no mood la, always emo la, HELLO, you pay so much money to come study one, not to like or felt or admire a person one. WASTE MONEY. Don's affect me la, i come to study one, not like u one. That is why i don't want to have that feeling, like someone, admire someone, sms nonsense with someone, i knew that if i do like this, will end up like her, so if someone really want to pikat me, i will say let be friend, easier and better, like this less problem will occur, if someone really like me one, i will ask them to wait to i graduate. Thanks to my dad, my heart already become cold and will not trust men. I always sees that my dad always treat my mum invisible, even my mum sick also i'm the one who always at her side, even my mum was giving to 3 of us, where was him??? To him, working is important then family, ok lo, if anything happen, u don't regret, and i believe that when he regret, everything is too late. As a daughter, i love my dad, but as a women, i hate this kind of men. Then is why when people ask me why i don't want to have bf, i say i don't trust men anymore, even when people say will u get married, my answer is always no, although sometimes i got think of that question. Another reason why i don't want to have bf is because of my stupid and selfish family background, and my mind always says that men will pikat me is because of my background, i think i watch too much movies, end up cheat by them. That is why i don't say about my family, if got ask only i say. So in conclusion, my heart already become cold, so i will not accept anyone, only friends will do. EASIER.

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