Wednesday, June 16, 2010


17th June... Thursday... 11.10am... at KDU college library............
I'm starting to get tired of everything, especially from the adult. They don't have mind to think meh?? Why need to make a small matter to a big matter?? Everything have solution one, if we can compromise with each other. I also can't believe that a person change so fast, suka-suka then talk to you, suka-suka then don't want talk to you, adult already, and also a mum, can't think one meh?? Need your help find you, no need you help, just don't bother to talk or smile to you, even your son also, saw an adult don't know how to call, no manners, your son attitude is very irritating, don't know who to teach, good mood, can play, talk and stuff, if no mood, just get angry and simply hit things, CRAZY one. You think you son is who?? When my sis call him and wanna talk to him, he just ignore her. WHAT THE HELL?? Don't know what type of an adult are you. Don't know how to think. Use your brain. Don't like just tell la, no need let this de ma, who you think you are, the leader?? Queen?? Everything you say must follow?? No good moon is your problem, don't put on others, others also have feeling one, not only you got, if you 不爽, tell la, no need to write the post, no need to show your character and attitude one, or you jealous about something, say it out. Getting very, very, very,
very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very tired and tired. Let stop about these. Write about yesterday class. Well, yesterday is the last class of food production 2, had a great time with them. My leader was the one of the twins, min qiao, he ask me to help do his dessert, named 'Queen of Pudding', is a type of baked pudding, topped with meringue. I was prepare to do these, and in the last minute, chef mixed up their menu, so have to change everything, so I'm s doing min chu's dessert, 'Baked Cream Caramel'. It is so funny and weird that chef can mixed up their menu. Then R is helping me to do dessert, then i decide to do in pastry kitchen, is easier because i need to use the oven, but she say she don't want. But end up, don't know why, she say do in pastry kitchen, then i ma say ok lo. When i walk in the pastry kitchen, chef saw me then call me, 'dianne', then i ma look up and see him smiling, then i smile back to him. We first get every ingredient prepared, then she say she scare to do the caramel, so i do and she do the custard. The weird thing is that when i ask chef question, he will smile at me first then answer them, but when she ask, he like don't want to answer. WEIRD. In the pastry kitchen, when he see me, he sure wants to bully me, or either smile at me. Don't know why. Even R also says that, she noticed that when he was talking to me or i'm asking him questions, he sure got smile, but she, he did not give a smile. Another WEIRD. Like when i'm around, his face sure got smile, because of these smiles, R is very jealous of me again. He keep on smiling at me yesterday. WEIRD, WEIRD and WEIRD. I can't find a thing to garnish on the cream caramel, i only can only find mint leaf, so no choice, have to use mint leaf, then when i open the chiller, i saw strawberry, then i asked him the strawberry and use or not, then he say is another chef's one, so cannot take. Then i help me find a tin Peach to garnish, because is the same color, so i say nevermind. Who know, suddenly R was taking a curl caramel and show me in the production kitchen, then i asked her where she get them from and she say chef do one, she told me he said that before serving on put on top for garnish. I was shocked why he do this, because the class he was teaching did not teach these, he purpose do one, but i did not think of anything. But after class, R call me and we talk. Then she told me that chef was nice to me today and i say not only me, others also got like Janette and Kristen. Then she say, 'Janette-cute, Kristen-pretty and me, smart, she cannot compete with us'. Then i was laughing, then i ask her that is it because i was saying i have nothing to garnish, therefore he wants to helping me, so he did that. Then she say, ya. I was a bit shocked. Haiz, no use one, my heart was close, i'm like some kind of cold blood people. Thanks to someone. R keep on saying that when chef see me, he sure smile, but her, none, so jealousy happen lo. That all for now. The time end my diary is 12.01pm. LUNCH TIME.

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