Tuesday, November 9, 2010


this blog is about chinese antology. and i'm a horse. so i post someting here.

  • · 的人性格很奇怪, 候超爱说话, 候可以一天不说话, , 会拼命的说话, 不高, 一句也不
  • · 的人不爱记,谁对他好谁对他不好,得很清楚的
  • · 的把真的自己藏于半夜的寂静和午夜明朗的笑声中
  • · 的最注重的就是安全感.希望被保,却常常是一个人
  • · 的不容易上一个人但一旦上便很自拔。一旦受是被的很深。只有几个心朋友
  • · 的是个很的孩子、是很依
  • · 的喜,欢顾影自怜.自己舔
  • · 的性格很古怪而又孤僻,会突然在大笑中沉默,
  • · 的心里想什么从来不.人也猜不到
  • · 的嘴上不在乎、心里却早已悲凉、心里的那把火早已熄
  • · 选择了沉默、不在像以前那样挚热的去追求某样东西
  • · 是很、回以前的点点滴滴、以前的大小事只是默默的想着
  • · 的座的人天生敏与生具的第六感人的内心有超乎常的洞察力但他会把西放在心里的人可以把你的眼神、内心看得很清楚但却不会告他用旁度判定虚
  • · 的人不懂甜言蜜不屑拍
  • · 的人本能的排斥虚和做作的人
  • · 的人不会真的就算生气也很快忘
  • · 的人只真正懂他的人展示他的造性他的情得冷淡就明他开始你重新审视 当他越是沉默就代表他越是生气
  • · 的人可能看起来很凶内心是最柔
  • · 的人看起来很冷淡但那只是保自己的方法
  • · 的人很重友情但被害后绝对不再友善
  • · 的人很容易被感但感中又保有理智
  • · 的人可能看起来很是最脆弱的
  • · 的人可能很但他的哭并不代表认输
  • · 的人可能看起来很笨大智若愚
  • · 的人可能做事很毛躁但内心很
  • · 的人天生敏感和细腻却会用心
  • · 的懦弱受了之后只知道在无人的地方独自哭泣
  • · 的虚明明已心痛到无法呼吸要在最的他面前假装任何人走他自己独自的世界
  • · 的笑容开心或者悲他都是一笑容笑容是他们伪装自己最好的武器
  • · 的眼泪从不人看他的泪从来只有她知道只是又知道在巨蟹的笑背后埋藏的是深深的悲笑的越开心的越深
  • · 的退 不会说爱或者喜除非真的喜到了极点要他表白几乎不可能但是一旦表白就是不余力的付出即使知道这样来的果可能是深深的
  • · 只可能做同一件事两次表白也一同一个人只可能听到他向你最深的表白两次两次之后就是绝对的安静了即使仍然深他也没有勇气再第三遍我他的退不能重复一件事第三次
  • · 的愚蠢不懂的怎么挽回深的人的心只能自己心中默默的祝福和祈祷
  • · 受了只会在角落独自忍受心的痛
  • · 第一名吃第一名家第一名第一名多愁善感第一名
after reading this, i notice that all it will mostly is like me. haha.


wednesday...... 10th Nov...... 3.37pm...........

It's me.. haha.. long time did not write my blog since august.. haha.. coz lazy a bit to update.. anyway.. i want to let out my anger...

It is all about her again, my twins.... i cannot stand her character and patterns anymore... i hate them la... and hate her too... she is a kind of person that... like example... last time before nadia join.. she always like dianne these, dianne that, like without me she will die one, then now leh?? she like always go find nadia, then me leh, forget already.. like after our class, she go to kitchen to find nadia, then i ma follow go lo.. then, once she go inside, she just join them n i stand at one corner, she like treat me invinsible.. then i ma get a bit angry.. without telling her, i go out to canteen and have my lunch, after that, i go back inside, she like didn;t noticed that i am away. then a while more, again the same, so i ma go ilab to online lo, after about an hour, i go back, still the same, WTF. if is were last time, she will message see where i go, now not even 1. last time, when she go out with them, she will ask me to teman her because she will be bored when she go out with them, but now, she no need already. she got tans og topics with them. SO these days i purposely sit further, keep quiet when she is around. Now like she treat me INVISIBLE. so it getting my nerves. therefore, i'm transforming become the old me, the quiet girl. I HATE HER. and another is like when i got on facebook, she'll say like hello, how are you. but now no. actually is just a small matter, is just that her pattern i don;t like. If they were around, i'm invisible, if they were not around, i visible. WTH. that is why i don't one BFF. if tipu one. everyone i treat is like a friend. Only Friend. yesterday, i go college. at first is i want to study marketing, but end up play games. then after lunch, i purpose say i want to go home when she say she want to go library. then she say, "huh, so early only wor.." then i say "i want to go back". end up she is alone at library until 6pm. SYOK!!!
Don;t blame me, is just a small revenge. one more thing i hate about her is that she always ask me to go penang. but when i ask her to come bm, she find excuses. but she can go to butterworth. WTH. mark my words, she is just a below normal friend to me. Don;t ask me to do anything. is your problem. now, she like when got problem only come find me, if not, none. If u continue to treat me like this, when u call or message, i won't reply and answer you. let u call till yourself pek chek. Wait and See.

Okay la, i feel must better now. So i'll stop here. Write soon. 4.00pm

Monday, August 23, 2010


23 August, Mon, 7.42pm
I'm back, never write for sometime already, now i'm in a not good mood, so i want to write out everything inside me. Is about my twin, i really cannot stand her. She likes a chef but she didn't let anyone know except me. Like last week, she sms him and he never reply her, then she cry the whole day, what la, if you like her, let him know la, you keep on crying also no use one, he don't know, what is the point. She always wants me to open facebook or msn to chat about her thing, if no on, she will sms me. got one time i purposely don't want to reply her message, haha, I PURPOSELY ONE. I getting very tired of this. If you know has no chance, just let go, LET GO. You like him but he don't and he keep doing this to you, what's the point? No use one. I'm really getting very tired of her everytime but i can't say because is not me, I'm a good person, i can't do this. TIRED. Got lots of thing i'm not happy about, but again, i can't say out, so i'm been keeping this in my heart. So now i'm letting go here. Some people always take things for granted. Even my secondary friend. She also the same with other one, no different. I want to go penang, i good heart, so i ask you, i can don't ask you one, go yourself. I say i'm going on 7.30pm, i 7.20pm already prepare everything and put in my car, she not yet come, now is you following me, so you should follow my time and come punctual, but end up come on 7.45pm, i can just go without letting you know one, i wait for 15 min, if you are following others car, she should be punctual or earlier. HATE. Even her mum also same. HATE. I should start to learn to reject people's order if the order is there is no any benefit for me. I don't one to be that stupid old Dianne anyone. I want to change myself. Will write soon. 8.10pm.

Monday, July 19, 2010


19 July, Monday, 10.29pm, at home.....
Hi hi, never write since 1st July, now semester break, very bored at times, but like to be home than in prison. I cooked lots of stuff at home, some good and some bad of course, if not, that is not ME!!!!! HA HA... After semester reopen, I'm already in semester 5, wao, so fast, after that i will continue my studies in Australia. I think will be in Sydney to study my pastry. MY FAVORITE. Oh well, nothing to write now, so will write soon. 10.34pm.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


1 July 2010...... Thursday...... 9.16pm....... at prison............
Wao, how time flies!!! Half year of 2010 had gone in a click of an eye, how that possible?? that is why we can't compete with the time, is just impossible. These few days because of CAD and KMD, i'm so stressed out, tired, sleepy and pissed off, there are some things and some person and some stuff made me had this feeling. Some people job is so easy, just answer that i don't know or no idea, then just don't do, end up go face book, and people do change, and i really getting tired and pissed off her. Just saying, touch wood, in case if i also don't know how to do, then how?? means that the whole layout no need to do la, FUCK OFF, FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like an idoit and also useless. You think who are you, not every time i must follow or do what you say one, you're not mine who also, and don't think you do that kind of face then i must do, wait la. FUCKER. And because of all this, my face not nice again, last few week because of some work, my face all got pimples and also look very old, and it took me 3 days to get my sparkle. Now again. My pretty face gone again and have to redo my face again. ARRRRRRRRR... my face...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't know who to say, i just cannot tahan her anymore. The truth is that you are a bossy and useless person. You know you cannot like him, and he still a malay, but you keep on this him that, listen until i get very tired sometime. GET A LIFE. Actually she also same one with others, got thing only come find me. Last Saturday and Sunday i went to a course called "Philosophy of Success Course" and got teach me about must learn to listen to people when they need someone to talked to and learn to praise people. She got or not, sometime when i talk, she ignore me, just like i talk to the wall. But when she need someone to talk to, find me. Where got fare??? Why??? Is this a challenge for me from God?? To test my patience. People's patience got limit one, that include me. Sometime i feel that i hate those around me, except my family, not the whole, just the 5 of us. Sometimes i should learn to ignore things. HATE HER!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


22nd of June... Tuesday... 11.07am... KDU library...
Everything changes just a blink of eye!!! don't know want to feel happy or sad, reason is because at semester 1-3, they like don't talk to me, but fro m beginning of semester 4 until now, they can talk and also play with me. Don't know why and how come. My brain still turning. Ok, on last week thursday, i suppose to go home but R wants to go Sakae Sushi to eat dinner and ask me want to go or not, then i say ok lo, later N also wants to go, so 3 of go. At there, we talked a lot and lots of secret had been reveal, haha, my one too, just split out my mouth, is very interesting. Forget most of the conversion already, haiz, if not i will write out one la. Ok, N first, she told me all about her past, and now she likes two person, 1 is K and another is T, when she mention T, my reaction is like huh?? then R told her that i had feelings for him, N is like very happy, but now a bit regret tell her that. Now she discover that K likes a girl, she is very disappointed, then R also like liking Chef, weird, but these few times in college, when Chef sees R, he don't want to bother her, like she is invisible one, but when he sees me, he will smile and play with me, this makes R jealous, envy me, then we talk about this topic and N says got few possibility. 1st is maybe he likes her, but he knows that he is a chef and R is a student, so he trying to avoid her. 2nd is maybe he knows that R likes him, so he wants to make her jealous by using me, that is joke around with me, play around with me, smile at me and others to make her get out off it. 3rd is to me i felt is impossible, that is maybe, just maybe, he likes me, but he knows that she likes him, so he use me again to get rid of R. Don't know la, on last wednesday class, when he looks at me, he just keep on smiling at me and keep calling my name, when i answer, he will nothing, just call my name. Let this also fun. So today i'll try to stop smiling at him, don't know can or not, because i'm always smiling all the way. The weird thing is that when i ask him question, he will answer and smile at me. But when R asked, he like don't want to answer and like ignoring her. I felt bad for her. Is it possible he likes me?? But i felt impossible, because i'm the student and he is chef, age distance 9 years eh. I'm staring to CONFUSE,
CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE, CONFUSE again and again. Will see what will happen today. I like want to have surprise today, don't know have or not, just feel like having one. Aiya, dianne ah, stop dreaming. STOP DREAMING!!!!!!! Most of the things is very impossible one. Today will like another day. FUN and FUN. But why my heart now is like puk puk jumping?? Don't think too much la. I'm only 19.

~~ On sunday night, we go E&O hotel eat dinner buffet for celebrating 'Father's Day', u know wat?? The meal costs, that is an adult RM75 and children RM37.50, what the hell, so expensive also want to go eat, their money a lot la, don't bother.

that is all for today, have class on 12pm, gotta go now, 11.49am....