Sunday, September 2, 2012


I'm proud of my croissants. Love them. 

Eclairs and Profiteroles

I only manage to take photo at the end of class.

Coffee Class

Coffee Time!!!!! WUULALALALA... My favorite...

Haha, this semester term 2 I have coffee class.


Yum Yum. They are delicious. Love it!!!!!!!

PS. I ate a lot in class too.


It's late but I can't sleep. Don't know why. Lately been thinking nonsense things, negative side one. As time goes by, things change as well as people. Some are really like shit, just know how to say but don't do them. I really appreciate my friendship with my 'so call' god brother. He is the only person who chat with me the most after graduate from KDU College. The others just say keep in touch and forget about you. For some, when they met new friends, simply just forget about you. This type of person better don't be close because they will hurt you without even knowing.

Anyhow, I'm really glad my decision to come and study. I met some great friends here. They'll help me whenever I have problem with things. They don't discriminate me or look down on me. They are friendly and cool. Not like those in Malaysia. I may be quiet but I'm not deaf or dumb person. I have feelings too. I am who I am, I don't need to change. I know when to change, don't need anyone to tell me. When the time is right, I will change. I don't need someone to tell me when to change.

Monday, midnight, 00.22am.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Semester 2

July 2012 - November 2012

Semester 2, term 3 and 4 has started. 

Emm, am excited but I can't manage to get the class I want. Haiz, no choice lo, I have to take the timetable with night class. Luckily is only on Thursday night, Monday to Wednesday is morning class. 

The first week has passed. The new classmates are very talkative. They talks a lots, like they did not talk in ages. God!!!!!! For next semester, I need to stand in front of the line and get the first few numbers. I really misses my old class. 

This semester, I study Finance, Leadership, Food Safety, Stock Control, Coaching, Bakery, Petit Fours, Marzipan, Present Desserts and Gâteaux. 

Interesting!!!!!! Hmmm...

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Vacation time!!! I'm going home. Yeah!!!! I'm actually kinda excited as I never leave home for soooo long. The longest is only 2 weeks. Will update the my blog soon. I have not wrote for quite some time. I have some recipes that I haven't write because I'm very lazy!!!! Hahaha, as usual. Chao for now. Boarding time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 30, 2012


Sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it's meant to be.

Don't let anything get you down, always bounce back up.
Set goals for your future, never settle for anything less.
Realize that there are others in the world, with much bigger problems than you.
Appreciate the good things in your life and be thankful for the time.
You ahve with your loved ones, spend more time with your family and friends.
Appreciate the simple things in life and don't get caught up in material things.

The only reason I can stand and smile through all my problems and pain is because I know I have God on my side.

Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

Believe in yourself and your value, don't sell out when things go wrong.

Only trust someone who can see these three things in you:
~ The Sorrow behind your smile
~ The love behind your anger  
~ The reason behind your silence

Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you and misses you, because one day, you might wake up and realize, you lost the moon while conting the stars.

Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You do not need too many people to be happy, just a few REAL ones who appreciate you for exactly who you are.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sweet Yeast Dough

Tuesday, 24/4/2012
(Prepare and Produce Yeast Goods)

Today, I have done plain sweet yeast dough and divide them to produce difference types of shape.

Shapes include finger buns, scrolls and plaits.

~ Plain Finger Buns ~

* Finger Buns with Icing and Coconut *

~ Plaits ~

* Scrolls *

Frangipane Tarts and Viennese Biscuits

Friday, 20/4/2012
(Prepare and Produce Pastries)

For the first class of pastries, the 1st product is tartlets and biscuits.

The name of the tartlet is Frangipane Tarts and Viennese Biscuits.

Above: Viennese Biscuits 

~~ The Biscuits is very soft and crunchy. Is actually very delicious!!! ~~

** The tarts is delicious. The crust is crunchy and nice. I love them!!! **

Below: Frangipane Tarts

Bienenstich (Bee sting)

Tuesday, 17/4/2012
(Prepare and Produce Yeast Goods)

Today is the first class for yeast goods and I'm doing Bienenstich, also known as Bee sting.

Bee sting is a german dessert and is made from sweet yeast dough with baked on topping of caramelised almonds and filled with vanilla custard, buttercream or cream.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Term, same Semester...

After easter holiday for a week, the new term had started. Still in semester 1, but just term 2. In this term, the subjects that I'm learning is:-

~ intro to hospitality
~ prepare and produce yeast goods
~ preparation kitchen
~ coffee service
~ prepare and produce pastries
and another subject continue from last term, common core.

I kinda hate common core because is "common bore", is really boring, specially the lecture part. The lecture just reading the slides which I can read them at home after I downloaded them. 

Kitchen class is interesting and fun, also the chefs are GREAT!!!!! The chefs are John De Bont (Pastries), Leon Voigt (Preparation kitchen) and Aurelie Germanier (Yeast Goods). Coffee class, is the best, as the lecture is very funny, humour, cute and more. Can't describe. His name is Ian Frost. Cute name, huh??

I realised that I did not make the wrong decision. I just regret that I didn't choose when I was 18. But  never mind, I'm still young. I'm gonna make my parent proud of me and I'm gonna prove to those who think that I cannot study (as my parents didn't study in college or university), I CAN DO IT!!!!!!! I'LL MAKE YOU CRY, ASS!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Friday, 23/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Today is the last class and next week is my exam. NERVOUS and EXCITED!!!

is a french verb means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up", a description of what happens to the combination of custard and eggs. 

Soufflé is a lightly baked cake made with egg yolks and soft meringue, with the combination of other ingredients and served as savory or sweet dessert. 

Foods that comely used for the base in a soufflé include cheese, jam, fruits, berries, chocolate, banana and lemon.

When it comes out from the oven, a soufflé should be puffed up and fluffy and it will generally fall after 5 to 10 minutes.

Souffles can be in containers of any shapes and sizes but it is traditionally make in a ramekins. These containers are very greatly in sizes but are typically glazed white, flat-bottomed, round porcelain containers with unglazed bottoms and fluted exterior borders.

Cake Exam

Thursday, 22/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

Well, today is the exam for this subject. I've done well.

I've done chocolate mud cake and scones.

I'm proud of myself as I got an "A" for this subject. YEAH!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sticky Date Pudding

Friday, 16th March 2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

The picture above is the *STICKY DATE PUDDING* and it goes perfectly with *BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE*. Yum yUm yuM.

Besides sticky date pudding, another dessert I've done is Vanilla Bavarois (picture below). 
It is not prefect as the bavarois is not set enough. 

Fruit Cakes

Thursday, 15th March 2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes)

.... Now my phone is on one of mine favorite song, BLUE NIGHT by MLTR. The song is nice. LOVE IT. ~~~When the blue night is over my face, on the dark side of the world in space, When I'm all alone with the stars above, you are the one I love~~~. 

Anyway, for today class, I have done fruit cakes. Well, never get the chance to taste, so don't know how it was like. I hate fruit cakes. Fruit cakes are made from varieties of dried fruits, nuts and spices. This cake is special as it can keep for a long period of time as it contain alcohol.

As for next week, is assessment day for this subject. I'll be assess on scones and mud cakes. Wish me luck!!! YEAH~~~


Tuesday, 13th March 2012
(Unit Kitchen)

Today is assessment day. Well, I think I will get C for this subject. My theory is out, while my practical is kinda okay. For this subject, I'll have 2 assessments. This is the first, so I've done salads, rice pilaf, steam chicken, pasta and poached eggs. That it. I hope I will do my best to turn back my marks. *Finger Cross*

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Something Similar to ME!!!!!!

(1)   “我深深相信会有那么一个人用尽全力上我的全部我的哭任性温柔自私天真粗心安静有我同用尽全力上你的全部的那 

(2)   “水瓶有不定性的作息时间会早睡早起会早睡晚起会晚睡早起会晚睡晚起甚至有会不睡的就是打一晚上游或是看一晚上电视或是和朋友在外面一晚上也会一晚在床上胡思乱想明天要上班瓶子会强迫自己睡但睡不睡的着那就是另一回事

(3)   “水瓶座一直在守着大家却没有人了解她的关和呵护. 水瓶座地的别人着想只要一点点回她就能露出最真的笑水瓶座从来不许刚才很恨的人看到她受到表面上没什么反心里其也在心疼水瓶座谦让别人就算受到别人的她也只是一笑而

Sunday, March 11, 2012

学做一个聪明的人 - PART 2






学做一个聪明的人 - PART 1






Saturday, March 10, 2012

Creme Brûlée

Friday, 9/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Creme Brûlée, also known as burnt cream, is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a contrasting later of hard caramel. It is normally served cold. The Custard base is traditionally flavored with vanilla, but us also sometimes flavored with lemon or orange zest, chocolate, coffee, pistachio or fruits. 

Creme Brûlée is usually served in individual ramekins. The caramel may be prepared separately and put on top just before serving or the caramel may be formed directly on top of the custard, immediately before serving. Sprinkle sugar onto the custard, then caramelized under a torch or salamander. 

(A) Egg Yolk - 6 no, Sugar - 120g
(B) Vanilla bean - 1, Cream - 357g

Heat (B) until almost boil.
Whisk (A).
Add (B) to (A) slowly, mix to a smooth custard.
Fill 3/4 full and place in a pan. Cover with foil.
Fill the pan with hot water.
Bake at 150 for 40 minutes or the custard is set.
Cool them in the fridge.
Sprinkle some sugar and caramelize with a touch.
- Picture above -
Over-baked brûlée.
The perfect brûlée should be smooth inside.

Creme Caramel

Friday, 9/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

Creme Caramel,
or caramel custard is a custard dessert with a layer of soft caramel on top, as opposed to creme brûlée, which is custard with a hard caramel on top. This dessert is eaten throughout the world. 

Creme Caramel is a variant of plain custard where sugar syrup is cooked to caramel stage and is then poured into the mould before adding the custard base.

Creme Caramel is usually cooked in a bain-marie on a stove top to in the oven in a water bath. It is turned and served with caramel sauce on top.

(A) Sugar - 200g, Water - 100g
(B) Milk - 500g, Vanilla Essence - 5g
(C) Eggs - 4 no, Sugar - 60g
(D) Water - 90g (hot boil water)

Boil (A) and cook to a golden caramel. Then add in (D). Pour them in a mould and set in the fridge.

Heat (B) to 80 degree.
Mix (C).
Pour (B) to (C) slowly while whisking continuously.
Sieve the custard.
Pour the custard to the mould.
Place the mould in a tray filled with hot water bath.
Bake at 165 until the custard is set, about 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and allow to cool at least 1 hour in the fridge.

To remove creme caramel, slide a knife around the top and the edge of the mould and shake carefully to loosen the bottom. 
Turn it out on the plate with the caramel sauce.
Serve with sugar or tulle garnishes.