Monday, February 27, 2012

Something Freezing......

Friday, 24/2/2012
( Hot and Cold Dessert )

Today, John (the chef) is not here, so the class is teaches by Ruby (another chef). 

Anyway, today is Ice Cream day. Not only that, it is also sorbet's day. My class had prepared various types of Ice Cream, we have raspberry, mango, pistachio, chocolate, double chocolate and coffee. INTERESTING, HUH?????? The purpose of making ice cream is for next week class as I'll be doing Bombe Alaska. Heard of it, but never taste it, so I'm kinda excited. 

Sorbet... not all the class prepare. Only 2 teams prepare them and never tried them yet. Has 2 flavor, raspberry and champagne. Before the class ends, another thing I do is brandy snaps. It is some sort of thing for decorations. The ingredients include butter, golden syrup, sugar, flour, ground ginger and of course brandy, as the name, "BRANDY SNAPS". After baking, I shaped them into 3 types:




I only manage to grab a picture of ice cream when it was ready from the freezing machine.

AWAITS for next week "Hot and Cold Dessert"... HAHA...

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