Friday, March 2, 2012


Friday, 2/3/2012
(Hot and Cold Dessert)

It's friday again. For today, I have done 2 products, raspberry parfait and bombe alaska.

Parfaits, is a French word literally means "prefect" and is used to describe a kind of frozen dessert. It is used to describe 2 different dessert, European and American.

The American parfait is a dessert of alternating layers of ice cream, fruit and liqueur, served in a tall glass topped with whipped cream.

The European parfait is a delicate frozen dessert, usually lighter and less sweet than ice cream, made from a mixture of egg yolk and sugar syrup whipped to a ribbon stage with the addition of whipped cream and flavoring folded through. The texture must be as light as possible. The mixture is then poured into moulds and frozen without churning. The parfait is de moulded to warm for a few minutes before serving. 

To make this dessert, the ingredients are sugar (110g), water (50g) , egg yolks (6 no) , fruit puree (any flavor that you like - 150g) and whipped cream (semi whipped before used - 300g). 

Before start making, whipped the cream until is semi whipped. Then, boil sugar and water to 118 degree. Meanwhile, whip the egg yolks. Slowly add the hot sugar syrup in the egg yolks and whisk till reach a ribbon stage**. After that, pour in the fruit puree and mix well. Fold a bit of whipped cream in the sabayon. Then, pour all of the mixture to the whipped cream. Fold till well cooperated. Place them a mould and freeze till frozen. 

** Ribbon stage is a term describe the texture of egg and sugar mixture that has been beaten until pale and extremely thick. When the whisk is lifted, the batter falls slowly back onto the surface of the mixture, forming a ribbon like pattern ** 

My plating is out. Some of my course mates plates nicer. I need to work more on plating skills. 

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