Friday, March 2, 2012


Thursday, 1/3/2012
(Prepare and Produce Cakes) 

Gugelhopf, has its origin in Austria where is once consider to be a status or a wealth symbol. It has a conical shape and the way it rises from the tin. The word "Gugel" refers to mountain peak and "hopf" means to jump or leap. The traditional Gugelhupf is aerated with yeast. However, other varieties are aerated by chemical such as baking powder or bicarbonate soda. The hole in the centre assists in the baking process, shortening the time as heat penetration increased. Batter temperature best between 20-24 degree celsius. 

To make this, first, cream the butter, glucose and sugar. While the butter is creaming, prepare both dry and wet ingredients. Dry ingredients include flour and baking powder. Wet ingredients are eggs, vanilla essence and milk. When the butter is ready, just alternately add in the dry and wet items. Don't add in all at one time. Bake at 180 degree for 35 minutes.  

Before Baking

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